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Protecting an area on paper is only half the battle of protecting areas sustainably and in perpetuity. Threats continue to diminish the ecological and recreational value of the Tobeatic. As much as we are to blame, we are also capable of making positive change. Please report illegal activities (click here for desktop users), shop local, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Photo Gallery
Illegal Off-Highway Vehicle Use
OHV Damage to a Wetland

(c) @Tobeatic1956
Bruce MacKinnon Cartoon

(c) Bruce MacKinnon
Tree Cutting in Tobeatic

Invasive Species
Hemlock Killed by Adelgid

Invasion of Glossy Buckthorn

Chain Pickeral in Mersey
(c) Delbert Swinemar (iNaturalist)
Climate Change
Active Coal Power Plant in Nova Scotia

(CC BY-SA 3.0) Ken Heaton
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